

Are you a poet

Some say I’m one

Are you in the business

It’s hard to break through

Anyone who is anyone cant see you

Are you a star?

Do you mean like the ones in the sky?

Yes, are you a star?

Maybe a twinkle in my family’s eyes

What have you done?

Not enough, I guess.

My work is not recognized.

I will do my best.

Why don’t you change your style?

Do you mean change who I am?

No just your writing style

Again, change who I am.

Why not just a little

A little is too much.

I’ll be hiding in shadows.

And there are enough shadows around us.

I’ll ask you a question.

Alright, go ahead.

Why are you a writer/repoter?

That is who I am when I get out of bed.

That’s funny.

What’s funny? Tell me, please.

I should change the way I write and convey a story.

To make you feel at ease.

Is there anything else you want to say?

Yeah, I do

I’m a poet, writer, lover, friend and mother too

I can not change what comes to me

Stifling my creativity

I may be raunchy, rude, crude and downright harsh

But everything I do comes from the heart.

Don’t read what I write.

It may not be for you.

But I’ll keep writing.

To thine self be true.





    1. That’s great, and that’s right Fia: stay true to yourself as a writer no matter how hard that may be. Better to be an authentic original writer than someone who moulds herself round the needs of others, and loses herself to frustration, however successful you might become. I’ve learned the hard way that being true to yourself, finding fulfillment in what you write no matter what others say, makes us happy, more content! And that’s why, I think, you and I write the way we do! Best Wishes, HJ Furl.