Didn’t your parents ever tell you not to be a follower but a leader? If you answered yes to this question, then why are you so trendy?
Diets, Elections, Fashion, Music, and Social Networking are some of the biggest examples of this. Society tends to go with what’s hot and popular for the time being.
Be yourself!
Who cares what others think of you & your opinion?
Do you fear exclusion?
Do you not want to be the odd one out?
You go along with what the rest of the group is doing. To ensure inclusion & social acceptance. The need to belong pressures people to adopt the norms and attitudes of the majority. Gaining acceptance and approval from a group can be far more dangerous than you think.
People are highly influenced by pressure and norms exercised by groups. When it seems, the majority are doing a certain thing, not doing it becomes increasingly difficult.
You shouldn’t handle yourself like this.
Don’t listen to a single source of information. Research any data, different opinions including alternative & contrary viewpoints.
Try not to conform & be like everyone else.
Society needs more leaders, less followers.